Nature Made Makes Big Move Getting Into Quality Nutrition Supplement Industry...And You Should Too

Jan 01, 2016

The world of nutrition is a segmented one. From sham supplements that are low quality with deceiving marketing practices, to big box chain, to mid-level herb store brands, to practitioner grade/specialized, highest quality supplements.

At the same time, the nutritional world is changing, more and more people want a piece of the pie, and manufacturers who once played only in one segment, are looking for ways to get into others, especially the area of practitioner grade/specialized, high quality.

I believe this has a lot to do with the consumer getting smarter, looking for transparency in the products they use, and want the best for themselves and their family.

We have seen in recent years, P & G purchase New Chapter, and a big announcement from Pharmavite, the who owns and manufacturers the Nature Made brand, just agreed on a purchase of Food State, Inc.

You might recognize the name Food State from a recent post on what is known as The Transparency Project. Food State owns to nutritional brands, MegaFood and Innate Response, both whole food supplement brands, which is a rising category, thus just for Nature Made to have interest.

MegaFood is more of the high end direct to consumer, with Innate Response is the practitioner focused line, thus the parent company of Nature Made is expanding its category offerings big time. It is the MegaFood brand which they focused the Transparency Project, showing how ones vitamins are made every step of the way. A brilliant move…one for them looking at being bought out, and for Nature Made to invest in such a company whom has begun defining themselves through transparency.

The take home here is that it is apparent what the consumer is looking for, higher quality, specialized and big pharma of vitamins is looking to make their mark.

Looking forward, as I have been doing for years, my money is on high quality supplements for an enduring practice.